Holds a Law Degree from the School of Law of the University of São Paulo (USP), from 1993.
Specialized in Civil Procedural Law, from Centro de Extensão Universitária, from 1994.
Master´s Degree in Criminal Law from the School of Law of the University of São Paulo (USP), in 2000, with the dissertation A tipicidade do crime antecedente no delito de lavagem de dinheiro [The nature of predicate offenses in money laundering crimes].
Doctoral degree in Criminal Law, from the School of Law of the University of São Paulo (USP), in 2007, with the thesis A Tipificação da Organização Criminosa [The nature of criminal organizations].Postdoctoral degree
in Democracy and Human Rights – Law, Politics, History and Communication by Ius Gentium Coninbrigae, School of Law of the University of Coimbra.
Author of the following works:
Lavagem de dinheiro: a tipicidade do crime antecedente [Money laundering: the nature of predicate offenses]. São Paulo: Editora Revista dos Tribunais, 2003.
Organização Criminosa - Nova perspectiva do tipo legal [Criminal Organization - New legal perspective]. São Paulo: Editora Revista dos Tribunais, 2009.
20 Anos, Liberdade – Duas décadas de escritos sobre advocacia, prisão e liberdade [20 Years, Freedom - Two decades of writing about advocacy, prison, and freedom] São Paulo: Editora Singular, 2015.
Imparcialidade na Jurisdição – Problemas Contemporâneos do Processo Penal [Judicial Impartiality - Contemporary Problems in Criminal Procedure]. São Paulo: Editora Singular, 2018.
Em Busca do Justo Perdido [In Search of Lost Justice]. São Paulo: Editora Singular, 2021.
Coordinator of the collective books: Juizados especiais criminais: interpretação e crítica [Special criminal courts: interpretation and critique]. São Paulo: Editora Malheiros, 1997; and Comentários à Lei de Recuperação de Empresas e Falência [Comments on the Company Reorganization and Bankruptcy Law]. São Paulo: Editora Revista dos Tribunais, 2005.
Author of several articles in journals, magazines and collections specialized in law and criminal procedure.
Member of Instituto dos Advogados Brasileiros (IAB), of Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais (IBCCrim); Instituto Manoel Pedro Pimentel, associated with the Department of Criminal Law, Criminology and Forensic Medicine, of the School of Law of the University of São Paulo; the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers; the Association Internationale de Droit Pénal; and the Association Internationale des Avocats de la Défense.
Languages: Portuguese and English.