Master´s Degree in Probationary Reasoning, from the University of Girona (Spain) and University of Genoa (Italy), in 2020, with the dissertation: “La delación premiada en Brasil: la valoración racional de las declaraciones del delator [The plea bargain in Brazil: rational assessment of the informant's statements].
Postgraduate degree in Criminal Procedure and Fundamental Guarantees from Academia Brasileira De Direito Constitucional.
Criminal member of the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Brazilian Bar Association – RJ.
Holds a Law Degree from the National School of Law of Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, from 2014.
Postgraduate Course Professor of Law and Technology at Instituto New Law, since 2020.
Researcher at the Authoritarian Group Registry of Criminal Procedure - Criminal Proof and Epistemic Control System, of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
Languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish.)